Sunday, September 07, 2008

Lina reckoned that I watch this japanese drama called Hanazakari no Kimitachi e a.k.a Hana Kimi. and I absolutely love it !!! so many hot guys....but below is my favourite four. hehe

the drama is based on the popular manga of the same name by Nakajo Hisaya, which has already been dramatized in Taiwan. Horikita plays the protagonist Ashiya Mizuki, a Japanese girl in the U.S. who one day sees the young athlete Sano Izumi (Oguri) compete in the high jump on television. She begins to idolize him, and decides to move to Japan to attend the same school as him. However, Izumi goes to an all-boys school, so Mizuki disguises herself as a boy to achieve her dream of being with her idol.

Shirota Yu (half jap half latin)
Ikuta Toma
Mizushima Hiro
Oguri Shun cute !!! so next I am gonna read the manga..hahhaa !!
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