Wednesday, July 25, 2007

today,in the middle of class I received a phone call from erik,he told me there was a job for a tv since I finished at 10am cause my history class got cancelled,I went =) had to wear like sports wear cause we were shooting a yoga scene.went to the main office at paramount garden,it's near ss2.well I didn't exactly knew the way,so I made a few wrong turns.guess what???when I wanted to make a 3 point-turn in ss2,I bang into a pavement and I broke my number plate...haha careless me.I parked my car at the office there,waited for another 2 girls to soon as they did we went to bukit jelutong in shah alam for the shooting...

we changed into our shorts wear and then we had to learn a few steps of yoga.and then we had to make it perfect by practising.we waited for our scene...that was only around 3.30pm there,so while waiting,we hung around and had lunch.lunch and refreshments were catered.we had to take so many times =.= it was a rap at 5.15pm !! weee~....hehe.I got paid before I went back,had some chocolate cake before I left....chocolate can I resist =) on the way back to my car,there was a bad jam...was stuck in it for about an hour,then I only got home at 7pm..oh well,it was fun...hehe.too bad I didn't bring my camera,so there's no photos..hehe

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