Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Part 1: On the Outside
Name : Jo-Ann Tan May May
Date of Birth : 9th January 1989!
Current Status : Single!
Eye Colour : Brownish-black!
Hair Colour : Brown!
Righty or Lefty : Righty!
Zodiac Sign : Capricorn!

Part 2: On the Inside
Your Heritage : Chinese!
Your Fear : lightning and thunder and also cockroaches!
Your Weakness : Korean dramas!
Your Perfect Pizza : When it has all my favourite toppings on it!

Part 3: Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow
Your thoughts first waking up : why? I want to sleep somemore!
Your bedtime : no bedtime for me =) me big girl...hahaha?
Your most missed memory : When I was a kid in disneyland...no worries nothing..just play all the way...good times!!

Part 4: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke : Coke!
McDees or Burger King : McDees!
Single or Group Dates : Single but it depends!
Adidas or Nike : Nike!
Lipton Tea or Nestea : Nestea!
Chocolate or Vanilla : of course chocolate, you can never go wrong with chocolate =)
Cappucino or Coffee : Coffee is coffee. isn't it the same ?? I mean like same roots right?

Part 5: Do You...
Smoke : YesssSSsssSs!
Curse : When i'm really pissed! >.< Part 6: In the Past Month
Drank alcohol : Yeap. Hehehe
Gone to the mall : Erm.. not really..had my finals
Been on stage : Yeap !
Eaten sushi : Yes! I love sushi...I had to much of it too
Dyed your hair : Nope!

Part 7: Have You Ever?
Played a stripping game : Nope!
Changed who you were to fit in : errr...no? not really? I hope not...hehe

Part 8 Age
you're hoping to be married : 25 ?? all in all before BIG ....3...0..... hahaha

Part 9: In A Guy/Girl
Best Eye colour : any colour as long as he has big eyes and are not sepet..haha!
Hair colour : Brown or black!
Short or long hair : Depends what looks good on him but most preferably short

Part 10: What Were You Doing?
1 minute ago : This !!
1 hour ago : eating my lunch and watching princess hours!!
1 month ago : refer to part 6!
1 year ago : I cant remember, most probally the same things I did this year.hahaha!

Part 11: Finish The Sentence
I love : korean dramas!
I feel : disappointed!
I hate : alot of things! =)
I miss : not having anything to worry about!
I need : to get things straighten out!

Part 12: Tag 5 People.
1) Nic Kiew
2) helena
3) audrey
4) soya
5) hansern

oh yeah...before I forget...HaPpY 18th BiRthDaY JuLieT !! =)
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