Sunday, November 04, 2007

went for my aunt's retirement\birthday dinner.they as teacher retire on the same day as their 55th aunt's birthday was actually on halloween's day but we celebrated it today.the dinner was delayed till 9pm !!! omg I was so fucking hungry that I can almost puke ( well whenever I feel really hungry I feel like puking..don't know ahy..haha) delayed till so late due to the rain and traffic jam, 3/4 of the guest were late =.= anyways it finally started...

the first dish the same o same o 4 seasons which I love..haha well I was really hungry at that time and it the first I practically whack everything on the plate..hahaha
my aunt's birthday cake
she having to give a speech...haha
she sounded nervous..seriously after so many decades of speaking in front of students and teachers..she's shaking when she's giving the speech =)

with her fellow collugues
my uncle with a old family friend

my dad and mom
my sister with my cousin aaron
me and my mom
my cousin darren with my aunt

me with my other two aunts

the 5 siblings =) 1 more is in london..hehe
family picture =)

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