today I worked for 8 hours,I wanted to finish early but I couldn't because surprisingly there was alot of the afternoon I had to outside of the table outside gave me personally rm10 after I return with their balance,I thought they took the change but they didn't so extra for me...yipee!~then at night I got about rm6 was from this table where this indian guy and a chinese girl.the indian guy had his hair straighten,the first thing I thought of was was my lucky day,got so much tips...haha today's total was rm21...hehe.sue ann dropped by,hehe how I missed her..hug her and all but she didn't stay long cause I was much too busy to attend to her.then it was finally 10pm,as I was about to manager,ronnie asked me to work tomorrow because he scared tomorrow not enough staff..oh well...not like I got anything to do,may as well go earn somemore money $$ hahaha
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
I had to work today but the crowd was damn little,so it was damn boring there.I saw nick during my break,he came with andrew and meeraj.they wanted to play at the arcade but it had power cut,so couldn't and like usual they bully meeraj when they are bored.I don't get how meeraj gets bullied because he was the biggest size person there...haha oh well.I got quite little tips only.saw bernard and his family eating there,at first he couldn't recognize me..haha.looking at my watch,waiting for time to pass by cause it was so slow the crowd.I was thinking of going back at 9pm and as I was about to ask my manager,richard whether I can leave...he was the one who asked me to leave...haha.
went I was on my way walking back,I called nick to tell him I already finished work he asked me whether I want to go out dinner with him and lionel because lionel was going to cheng...haha he got he salary already =p they actually haven't decided where to go,then suddenly nick said he feel like eating we went to subang,it's a place opposite the old subang airport.nick as usual eating so much like a pig and never is full until we had to order 2 chinese pancakes after the meal.somehow the weather there was quite cold,only I felt it at first but after we paid the bill and headed towards the car only nick and lionel felt the coldness of the wind =p they damn slow la.anyways the food was great,thanks lionel for dinner...hehe.only got home at around 11.20pm there
Monday, January 29, 2007
today nick came to my house in the morning.he brought some food here,his grandma bought.his grandma actually bought some for me and asked him to bring...hehe but knowing nick he ate all even my share.there was an enjoyable 1 hour there...hehe.after he left I went out to check out the college I was considering to go to with my back home at 3.30pm,then I went to school to play basketball.nick was there too with andrew training the under 15 boys team.nothing much happen....hmm...except that I taught kar kei how to smoke...haha what a bad friend I am.actually it's not my fault,she can say 'NO' but she didn't and I didn't force her...haha.before I went back,went down stairs to smoke...andrew and nick was already down I went to join them,as soon as I lite my cigarette andrew jumped to the other side.he said he cant stand the strawberry smell...haha
Sunday, January 28, 2007
finished work at 7pm today,had to go out dinner cause my mum's birthday.actually suppose to be just our family but so happen my aunty's birthday was nearby too so we celebrate it together.I didn't see my niece,Hayley for a month already.she's have grown so much,how I missed her.she even thried to speak...well it was sort of like cute
Saturday, January 27, 2007
phew just finished eating and bathing after work and finally the computer is it was damn packed at italiannies,everyone was slamming...haha.I got rm5 tip from 1 table,my friend said that they would give cause the last time they came they gave tips too...heehe.the small boy at the table that gave me tips left his gameboy =( I passed it to the hostest stand just incase they came back for it.I hope he came back to get it back.anyways I finished at 10pm,nick came to pick me up.on the way back he decided to pump petrol,so I went down to the store to get the cup instant noodles cause I was too lazy and tired to cook the ones I have at home...hehe
Thursday, January 25, 2007
"I believe the saddest thing in life, is caring so much for someone and then one day you look into their eyes and listen to them talk and realize that they are gone. All you see in front of you is a stranger with just a known name."
"There is a fine line between love and hate, and with one simple mistake, that boundary could be crossed."
"To forgive is to let someone crush your heart, and then get over it like nothing happened ... that's why it's so hard to do."
"Life is like a difficult puzzle, you can try to solve it all, but there's always gonna be those missing pieces."
"When love has been wounded; - trust, reassurance, honesty, and intimacy, in abundance, are the only known cures."
"Before you love, learn to run through snow leaving no footprints."
"Don't leave the one who loves you for someone you like."
"Waiting gives the Devil time."
"No man is worth a woman's tears; the only one who is, will never make her cry."
"Just when you think things can't get any worse, they do. I've learned that life is like hour glass sand. Sooner or later, everything hits rock bottom, but all you have to do is be patient and wait for something to turn everything back around."
"Some say love is life, but love without hope and faith is an agonizing death."
"To love someone is nothing. To be loved by someone is something. To love and be loved by someone is everything."
"Love may be magic, but remember, magic can also be an illusion."
"When you were born, you were crying and everyone around you was smiling. Live your life so that when you die, you're smiling and everyone around you is crying."
"It takes a second to say I love you, but a lifetime to show it"
"Everyone must go through a storm to get to a rainbow."
"For awhile I thought I would never love or hate anyone, but I have come to realize I have loved and hated the same person."
"Dance like no one's watching, sing like no one's listening, love like you'll never get hurt, and live like it's heaven on Earth!"
"Not all scars show, not all wounds heal, somtimes you can't always see the pain someone feels."
"You may be deceived if you trust too much, but you live in torment if you do not trust enough!"
"There is no special time for truth, the hour is now, as always."
"Ever notice that the people who hurt you the most are the ones you tend to love more?"
"Trust...takes years to build and only minutes to tear down."
"I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much."
"Love can tear you apart... it can kill you. But if you’re lucky, it can put you back together."
"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there."
lessons in life don't you argee??if you do please leave feedbacks...haha I am being dramatic..sorry
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
I went to watch a movie called 'Forbidden Siren' with nick and meeraj at ou,we catch the 12.20pm show.the movie wasn't scary but freaky,that's what they claimed but horror is horror...I will still get spooked..haha.before we went for the movie,we went to poh kong to check out the necklace that meeraj found whether it was gold or gold plated.apparently it's gold plated so meeraj couldn't sell it off..poor meeraj...haha.haris wanted to join us watch movie but he couldn't make it in time cause he had to try get out of school =\ anyways me and nick was finding for the shop that haris said sells silver rings but we couldn't find it because haris's information wasn't exactly accurate.
after the movie we left,meeraj drove his van and parked it in the central park car it was bloody hell hot and his air-conditioning wasn't exactly cold enough.he drooped me and nick at nick's house while he go chill at haris's house.audrey saw my new skirt and she said her friend bought the black one from blook.the exactly same one but black and rm25,damn I got ripped off cause I paid rm29 for mine.after that I went back home at 3.30pm.had some fried rice then I went to go fetch nick and meeraj at meeraj's house at BU.meeraj's dad wanted the van back and anyways it was kinda out of petrol already.I was kinda in a rush because this nick asked me to leave as early as possible.I wanted to go get credit first before I go fetch them just incase I can't find meeraj's house,I can that's what I did until I realised I left my phone at home =\ so I had to go back home to get it another 3 minutes wasted...haha.
arrived at meeraj's house and I was still hungry so we went to mcd to pack some food.I bought a large fries,nuggets,coke and 2 sundae cones.we went to school,jack and hogan was there.hogan tried to drive jack's car,nick was in the car too.they both testing the car,cause jack's car had been it has this loud and irritating sound coming out from the exhaust pipe if not mistaken.I ate my mcd =) then we went up to play basketball.halfway nick said he wanted to go home to take his shoes,so I gave him my car keys and asked him to go get it himself...haha.played till 6.10pm then went back,I had to send lynette back too.
Monday, January 22, 2007
went to penang on the 20th,in the I can say penang is really boring because no internet connection,no astro and to make calls with my handphone is bloody hell expensive.only thing that is nice there is the food...hehe.the reason my whole family went is to attend my distant cousin's wedding.the wedding was on the 21st,as usual when me and my sister was there and met all the relatives we don't know what to call them by ( what do you expect when we only see them once a year ) hahaha....some pictures...ohhh...thanks helena,ur pretty belt makes my dress prettier..hehe
we did go shopping and penang was like jeng paradise for my sister because they have all those jing jang clothes (which she bought) haha....
anyways just got back today,we all actually woke up at 6.30am just so we can reach back KL at 11.10am so that my sister can go to school and not miss physics =.= soon as we reached home,she changed then I sent her to school.
I forgot to mention that I highlight my hair and my sister straighten hers because it was so was rm99 for perm,straightening,colour and highlight.some kind of promotion thingy =p
I went to drop off some stuff my sister needed for basketball training at 3pm.she stayed back to see *the name I shall not reveal* then I went to nick's house for awhile.he was being a pig,trying to sleep.after that around 5pm only I decided to go shoot some hoops,called nick asked him whether he needed a ride since his car is out for I went to pick him up,but he asked me to go in for awhile and wait for him to get ready.boy...he takes damn long cause he was so lazy to get up.before I went upstairs,his mom talked to me for awhile..asking what college I am going and what I have decided to do.seriously if I didn't bug him to get up,I doubt he will ever get moving.
later on at school,halfway playing basketball...nick asked me whether he can drive my car to pick up haris at the bus stop near mobil.well all of us went,we thought we were only picking up haris so the 3 of us (me,nick,meeraj) decided to go 'kai kai' in the car...haha.then we found kai wen there with haris so we have to cramp abit cause my car isn't exactly big.went back to school,smoke first before we played...haha
kar kei was at school today,so I had my chance to play with her after a really long time.gosh,after so long of not playing I get so tired so the way kristine was like crying in school cause nyang broke up with her,but I thought they broke up last saturday not today only.oh well....I went back at 6.30pm.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
yesterday nick came over in the morning,lionel dropped by to pass me the bottle of vodka.went to work,had damn alot of pasta to eat during break because me,amanda and shong wei ordered the endless pasta thingy at italiannies every wednesday.we didn't order one person each,we all 3 shared it so it was super cheap like rm6 per person.anyways I finished early because there was quite little customers.sang came over to my house at 10.30pm and nick and lionel arrived around 11pm.we were talking and drinking and laughing and drinking.that's pretty much what we did...haha,oh yea we were like also bullying lionel.lionel's face was as red as his shirt.lionel drank quite alot cause he lost most of the time when we played black jack.
oh well sang went back around 3am.her brother fetched her and bought us a packet of mcd fries.yum the way me and lionel puke...haha.thank god lionel managed to find the toilet bowl and I find the plastic bag.anyways as I like zzzzzzzzzzz,I could hear nick and lionel talking and talking about anime.I was sober again at around 4.15am and nick drank another glass and that was it,I couldn't stand the smell of vodka anymore and I was having hiccup so it was like impossible to drink again unless I want to puke again...haha.anywas we all slept at 5.30am.
oh well sang went back around 3am.her brother fetched her and bought us a packet of mcd fries.yum the way me and lionel puke...haha.thank god lionel managed to find the toilet bowl and I find the plastic bag.anyways as I like zzzzzzzzzzz,I could hear nick and lionel talking and talking about anime.I was sober again at around 4.15am and nick drank another glass and that was it,I couldn't stand the smell of vodka anymore and I was having hiccup so it was like impossible to drink again unless I want to puke again...haha.anywas we all slept at 5.30am.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
today went to watch a movie at ou with nick.we watch 'Night at the Museum' it's quite nice.I like the part where the huge status says "hey dum dum I want my gum gum" so cute for a huge ass statue. oh we bought tons of food cause this nick was as usual a hungry pig...haha.the chicken nuggets tasted and smelled like peanuts though for some reason,damn ewwww but nick still ate it.he dipped it into my mash potato so that it won't taste so bad...haha
Saturday, January 13, 2007
yesterday I went to out to have lunch with sang and sheryl.too bad we didn't take any pictures.oh well....then at night I went to the curve,nick picked me up.had to squeeze though because there was 6 of us in his little satria...haha.we couldn't get into sanctuary because adam and kai wen was under age but then we bump into nick's friend that was working there.he could have got all of us in but the place was full,so we tried laundry bar.just so you know,it was raining then.there was no place inside so we had to sit outside.we managed to get a place under a shade but then the wind blew the raindrops in =.= so we decided to leave.
it was already 11 pm,then only helena,shamay,vannie and sheryl came.they decided to go in sanctuary to dance.I could only stay out till I left the curve at midnight,nick fetch me home.haris,adam,meeraj, they all bought beer to drink at haris's and nick planning to have a small gathering at my house to just drink booze then sleepover.have to plan the timing cause of lionel's working time,so it's not confirmed yet.I am sorry for those people who have college =p mustn't drink after next day hang over.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sunday, January 07, 2007
wow.....last 3 days I didn't blog.well I started work on friday and boy it was damn tiring.after so long of lazing around so not used doing work...haha.friday and saturday I didn't get any tips.anyways I finish around 10pm there.nick will pick me up from work =) yesterday night I bought yummy burger home,was so damn hungry I tell you..because my break time was at 2-4pm,damn early they expect me to stand my hunger for the whole night.
today working there wasn't so bad because there was less guest compared to yesterday.I guess all the people at ou has already spent all their money...haha.anyways,I got rm12 tip today !!yipee for me!! rm10 was from a table I looked after...actually I key in wrong order (extra 1 dish) then kinda got problem.the guest was so nice asking me twice whether was there any problems,if there is he doesn't mind paying for it ^^ but of course I say "no,that it was me who keyed in wrongly"then like I said quite little people,so by 9 something we were closing already. by the way,someone stole my lighter !!! 1 minute it was there,I went in to take my food (my manager cheng) the next minute it was gone.I bet it was 1 of those indian workers in the kitchen took's so cheap,rm1.20 only they cant buy themselves =.= lucky thing they didn't steal my cigs,I swear I will hunt them down...haha. just now nick picked me up too but i had to wait abit longer cause there was a bad jam.since I had no lighter I had to just borrow from a random stranger...haha
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
went to ou today at 3.30pm,nick just dropped me there because too many parking.I just walk in to the first shop I saw that had job vacancy which was "Colours".they actually hired's rm4.50 per hour and 6 days a week.I kinda accepted the offer because I didn't know how not to.after that at around 5 something,I don't know why but I decided to call my mr. sua (my manager from italiannies) he said he told richard (my other manager) to hire me..but I didn't get any calls telling me when to start mr. sua asked me how would I like to work on friday,saturday and sunday.I said ok,sure thing.
I called richard,he said I can start tomorrow.I told him that I was only working part-time then he asked me whether I could work everyday.I told him that I cant but I can work on any day but only 3 days a week or more if they needed workers.then he asked me to for orientation tomorrow at 10am ??? I mean..I have worked there before,why do I need to go for orientation again?? well I guess I just have to go tomorrow to find out =.=
Monday, January 01, 2007
happy new year !! yesterday I went to the curve.nick picked me up at 5.50pm then we all went to pick up meeraj then we headed off to the first we drove to sheryl's house there but the guards wouldn't open the gate for us to cross over because it was only for we drove to the BU4 school and parked there then crossed over.we had dinner at secret recipe because everywhere else was full and sucky.lionel joined us about 7pm there.we chill there for awhile,listening to the jokes they were all banging was funny.after that we tried to get a place at the sanctuary and laundry bar but it was too packed and we were scared after the bouncers wouldn't let adam,kai wen and lionel pass through cause they looked young =p.
then after 10.30pm there,me and lionel went to meet up with helena,vannie,sheryl,rachel,sang,jovi,alina,sarveen,benny,shamay,ashwin and guy which I don't know what his name was (sorry).after that when back to join nick they all.nick was kinda in a bad mood because we couldn't find a place to chill and haris and kai wen were like ditching them to hang out nick left kinda early around 11pm.I joined sang they all for the countdown.they had alot of performances.we all tried to avoid those spray cans thingy.hafiz and julian joined us was so squishy,we didn't have our own space =.=
we were all doing the countdown thing...3...,2...,1 !! then the fireworks was so pretty,I wish nick was with me instead of leaving.then we left the around 12.45am because it took us about 30 minutes to actually make sure we were all in a group together walking back to sheryl's people that keep straying out of the group then we had to wait for them.that's why we took so long =.= on the way walking back to sheryl's house,we bump into kristyn,dillon,vicky and friends,they were so crazy spraying everything everywhere haha.....typical kristyn.then when I hugged her and wish her...she practically lift me off the ground...haha
when we all arrived in front of sheryl's house,we split into different groups and hop into different cars.we all met up at sang's house.the jam was quite bad...but I think we ( sheryl,me,leann,sher lyn) in sheryl's car,beat the jam.guess what we did?we wine down the windows and wish any random people that was walking on the road...haha.when we arrived at sang's house,sarveen,beeny,su wen and all was there already.then after that hilary,jeevan,and the rest was around this time when I found out the bad news,well it kinda ruined my whole new year's celebration.I really couldn't stop crying as soon as I reached home and got into my was so bad cause I did that till 5am.
I only woke up this morning at 12pm with my eyes quite swollen,went out to have lunch at devis's corner with my day was just a blur day,really can't tell what was real or fake heart wants to be convinced but at the same time it doesn't want to believe any of it..sigh
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